IAHN Bulletin is the official E-Newsletter of the International Association for the History of Nephrology

Halfway through the IAHN Board’s cadency I feel compelled to inform about and summarise the activities taken by the Board and all the members of the society. Inspired by the brilliant idea put forward by professor Natale De Santo, and following in the footsteps of other, larger scientific organisations, we are launching the News Bulletin, the official IAHN newsletter.

We hope to make it a competent and convenient platform for sharing the news, events and successes concerning our society and its dear members. The first issue recapitulates the events taking place throughout 2018.

It is our intention to prepare and publish the newsletter 2-3 times per year in close cooperation with all our members. It is also our aim to promote the history of nephrology among our colleagues from other thematically-related societies. Building and developing the position and popularity of our society among broader circles seems the condicio sine qua non for its survival.

I hope you enjoy it!

Janusz Ostrowski (Editor-in-Chief)
